The Chief RSMA245 Mini Elite Projector Mount builds upon the RPA mount in offering the same user-friendly features, yet boasts a compact design for mounting smaller projectors.
The RSMA245 is 33% smaller than the RPA yet maintains the same features of its larger counterpart. The quality RSMA245 mount features generous movement options including independent MicroZone adjustments and a 25-pound capacity. Centris technology allows for instant fingertip positioning which automatically adjusts to accommodate projector weight. Since it ships fully assembled, it makes for a quick installation. Maintenance like filter and lamp replacements is easy with the Q-Lock release lock lever without affecting any of the preset adjustment settings. This lever also features a key and lock security option.
Installation options are flexible and allow you to choose a ceiling flush mounting, 6.35 mm threaded rods or 1.5" NPT threaded extension columns.