NP-F570 L-series Info-Lithium Battery F/ Sony
NP-F570 L-series Info-Lithium Battery F/ Sony
NP-F570 L-series Info-Lithium Battery F/ Sony
NP-F570 L-series Info-Lithium Battery F/ Sony
NP-F570 L-series Info-Lithium Battery F/ Sony
Keep your compatible Handycam camcorder or Mavica camera charged with this rechargeable battery pack. Never miss a moment. The NP-F570 rechargeable battery pack provides power to your compatible Mavica camera or up to five hours of continuous recording time for your compatible Handycam camcorder. It features a built-in microprocessor that accurately calculates the remaining power within minutes. This rechargeable battery pack can also be charged at any time, regardless of how much charge is remaining.
Shipping Dimensions:
Length: 8.5"
Width: 3.4"
Height: 1.1"
Weight: 0.2 pounds